Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Encino, CA
Helping Clients Pursue Fair Compensation
We trust our doctors, nurses, surgeons, and other medical providers with our health and wellness. Maybe more importantly, we trust a doctor with the health and well-being of our spouses, our children, and our other loved ones. When a medical professional fails in their responsibility to do no harm and safeguard our health, the violation of trust feels unfathomable. And, because they are treating us at our most vulnerable and exposed, their mistakes tend to cause catastrophic injury or worse.
Medical malpractice occurs when the negligence of a physician causes the injury or wrongful death of a patient. You may file a medical malpractice lawsuit to pursue financial compensation for your personal losses, medical bills, and pain and suffering. However, proving medical malpractice claims can be a challenge. It is strongly recommended that, if you intend to file a legal claim, you hire experienced malpractice attorneys to represent your interests.
Medical malpractice victims should be allowed time to recover from their injuries and their grief. They should not be asked to contend with the insurance company, the hospital, and other legal matters related to their medical malpractice lawsuits. Not all law firms are equipped for such a personal injury case. You want law offices with experience handling medical malpractice claims. V&A Law Firm is one such firm.
At V&A Law Firm, we have a strong track record of success. Additionally, we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you do not pay unless we win a fair settlement for your medical malpractice lawsuit. To learn more about our legal services, please contact our California law offices for a free consultation.
What Are Different Types of Medical Malpractice Cases?
When so-called medical experts fail in their duties to safeguard the well-being of their patients, they should be held liable. As your California medical malpractice lawyers, we will endeavor to recover the maximum compensation for you or your injured family member.
Common medical malpractice cases include the following:
- Anesthesia negligence.
- Delivery mistakes causing injury to the baby.
- Errors made during surgery.
- Exposure to pathogens and toxic chemicals.
- Failure to adjust treatment based on medical records.
- Failure to monitor a patient for developing complications.
- Failure to provide informed consent.
- Failure to refer a patient to a specialist.
- Financial kickback schemes.
- Inadequate hospital staffing.
- Inadequate staff training.
- Intentional wrongdoing.
- Misdiagnosis or delay in diagnosis.
- Nursing negligence.
- Providing the wrong treatment.
- Radiology errors.
- Reckless decision-making.
- Unnecessary surgery.
- Wrong dosage failure.
- Wrong medication.
- Wrongful death.
If any of the above have transpired, you may have a valid medical malpractice claim. To ensure that you are adequately compensated for your pain and suffering, please contact our Encino and Los Angeles, CA, law firm to discuss your case in more detail.
What Injuries Occur as a Result of Medical Malpractice?
Those in the medical field are well aware of the trust that we put in them. Sometimes, though, things go wrong, often causing catastrophic injury or the loss of life.
Severe injuries typically seen in medical malpractice cases include:
- Amputation.
- Birth injuries.
- Brain injuries.
- Burns.
- Death.
- Deep cuts and lacerations.
- Disability.
- Disfigurement.
- Emotional anguish.
- Heart attack.
- Loss of sight, hearing, or speech.
- Paralysis.
- Stroke.
If you believe you have a medical malpractice or wrongful death lawsuit, please contact medical malpractice attorneys at our law firm.
How Does a Victim and Their Attorneys Prove a Medical Malpractice Claim
Proving a medical malpractice case can be challenging, but it is made easier when you elect to retain professional legal counsel.
First, you must establish a valid doctor-patient relationship with the physician or hospital you are filing the lawsuit against. Then, you must demonstrate that the hospital, doctor, nurse, or other medical provider acted negligently, recklessly, or failed to act when the moment called for it.
You must also show, perhaps with the help of testimony from other medical experts and by reviewing your medical records, that a more astute and reasonable physician would have acted differently by the accepted standard under the circumstances.
Finally, you must show that the physician’s actions (or lack of action taken) were the direct cause of a patient’s injury, pain and suffering, or ultimate death.
What is the Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice Claims?
California residents impacted by medical malpractice need to know that there is a statute of limitations for filing a claim. That means that if you do not file your claim in time, your case will be summarily dismissed.
California law states that a medical malpractice claim must be filed within one year of the injury being discovered or within three years of the date that the injury occurred.
What Kind of Financial Compensation Can a Medical Malpractice Lawyer Help You Recover?
Though difficult to prove, medical malpractice cases sometimes award some of the largest verdicts and settlements in personal injury law. You may be awarded economic and non-economic damages for your CA medical malpractice case.
Economic damages may include medical bills, funeral costs, lost wages, and lost income earning capacity.
Non-economic damages may include compensation for mental anguish, lost companionship, pain and suffering disfigurement, disability, lost consortium, and wrongful death.
Schedule a 15-Minute Free Case Evaluation with an Experienced Medical Malpractice Attorney Today
Our Encino and Los Angeles medical malpractice lawyers have years of experience representing the claims of distressed medical malpractice victims. While no outcome can be guaranteed, our track record of success speaks well of our chances of recovering fair compensation for your case.
Our law firm works on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you don’t pay unless we win.
Please schedule your risk-free, complimentary consultation today by calling our Los Angeles County law offices at 818-369-3270.